Carlos Torano
Today, cigars have become a part of our culture and the cigars connoiseurs know how to appreciate the unique experience that comes with smoking a fine Carlos Torano cigar. For many years the Toraños made private labels for other cigar distributors. However, by the middle of 1990′s, the Torano family started their own brand of cigars and the company’s motto was :” “Make Time to Burn”. The Carlos Torano cigars are made with complex cigar blends and tobacco from a variety of different countries.
Carlos Torano Robustos Cigars (1 Box of 25 Cigars)
Origin: Nicaragua
Size: 4 3/4" x 52
Carlos Torano Robustos Signature Cigars (1 Box of 25 Cigars)
Origin: Nicaragua
Size: 6" x 52