Camacho cigars have the reputation of the best handmade premium cigar brands with about 16 lines on the market. The flavor of the cigars is classic cuban, rich and powerful that come in beautiful cedar boxes that enhance the richness of their flavor. Camachos can vary from rather mild and elegant to exuberant and robust. Production of Camachos has never stopped and the company today acquires its exemplary tobaccos from what has become one of the finest growing areas in the world.
Camacho Corojo Machitos Cigars (1Tin of 8 Cigarillos)
Origin: Honduras
Size: 4"x 32
Camacho Corojo Robusto Tubos Cigars (1 Box of 10 Cigars)
Origin: Honduras
Size: 5" x 50
Camacho Criollo Tubos Cigars (1 Box of 10 Cigars)
Origin: Honduras
Size: 7" x 48