Silk Cut Cigarettes Online

Silk Cut

Silk Cut cigarettes are manufactured by famous cigarettes Company- Gallaher Group gaining its popularity in 1970’s. The distinctive feature of this brand is the perfect combination of tar and nicotine caused by the design of the filter, which has many more holes than regular strength cigarette filters, to mix the smoke with air. Moreover, the tobacco makes up 75% of the cigarettes composition, the rest is Cytrel, a cellulose-based tobacco substitute.

Silk Cut Purple Cigarettes

Silk Cut Purple

Made in UK (King Size Box ) Tar 7 mg, Nicotine 0.6 mg
3 cartons
$174.00 ($58.00 per carton)
6 cartons
$348.00 ($58.00 per carton)
Silk Cut Silver Cigarettes

Silk Cut Silver

Made in UK (King Size Box )Tar 1 mg, Nicotine 0.1 mg
3 cartons
$174.00 ($58.00 per carton)
6 cartons
$348.00 ($58.00 per carton)