Corset Cigarettes Online


Corset cigarettes were created from special tobacco ingredients for most demanding women. They contain unique flavor and aroma which give you unforgettable smoking experience. Corset brand symbolizes the sophistication and elegance of urban women, as each pack of these cigarettes can be easily stored in the pocket, giving ladies a chance to pull out a cigarette at the right moment.

Corset Pink Superslims Cigarettes

Corset Pink Superslims

Made in EU (Super Slim Pack)
3 cartons
$129.00 ($43.00 per carton)
6 cartons
$258.00 ($43.00 per carton)
Corset Menthol Superslims Cigarettes

Corset Menthol Superslims

Made in EU (Super Slim Pack)
3 cartons
$129.00 ($43.00 per carton)
6 cartons
$258.00 ($43.00 per carton)
Corset Lilac Superslims Cigarettes

Corset Lilac Superslims

Made in EU (Super Slim Pack)
3 cartons
$129.00 ($43.00 per carton)
6 cartons
$258.00 ($43.00 per carton)
Corset Mintbreeze Superslims Cigarettes

Corset Mintbreeze Superslims

Made in EU (Super Slim Pack)
3 cartons
$129.00 ($43.00 per carton)
6 cartons
$258.00 ($43.00 per carton)

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